C64GFX.com Game Loading Screen Compo 2024 ========================================= No serious rules for this compo. You can remake/remaster an old loading screen or create a loading screen for a game that doesn't already have one... or even for an imaginary game. NO RERELEASES - this must be new material. Acceptable formats:- - Multicolour Bitmap - Hires Bitmap - PETSCII A PRG or D64 must be supplied that displays the image in the respective format. We will split the compo into those 3 categories. NO FLI, no interlace, no raster bars, no sprite overlays, no animation, no music. No graphical changes or enhancements at all - keep it plain. Of course you can use an initial fade in so long as it's fairly quick (less than 5 seconds). Voting will be done on the new C64GFX.com voting platform. You can register for that now (just hit the "register" bar at the top). Please enter your handle as your username. Votes will only county from CSDb registered users on this compo - we will confirm with all voters if needed before voting completes. Voting will run throughout the compo and for an additional approx 2 weeks. Don't save your votes till the last minute as I will close voting sometime between 14th and 16th October (ie. you won't know exactly when). Votes will be kept private until the voting window closes - and will BE MADE PUBLIC after that window (down/up voters beware). We'll use the squared-average formula again to work out final results. Have fun :-)