C64GFX - The Home of Commodore 64 PixelArt


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#10 'C64 256b Intro' at The 128b Font Compo

NotScii V4
NotScii V4
17th September 2019
HI, SPR, Logo, 2 Colours
Unplaced in 'C64 1K Intro' at 'The 256b Sprite Font Compo'
NotScii V3
NotScii V3
7th September 2019
HI, SPR, Logo, 2 Colours
Unplaced in 'Out of Compo' at 'The 256b Sprite Font Compo'
NotScii V2
NotScii V2
7th September 2019
HI, SPR, Logo, 2 Colours
Unplaced in 'Out of Compo' at 'The 256b Sprite Font Compo'
Easter Eggs [123 bytes]
Easter Eggs [123 bytes]
31st March 2018
HI, Font, 2 Colours
#37 in 'C64 256b Intro' at 'The 128b Font Compo'
Narrow Font [121 bytes]
Narrow Font [121 bytes]
30th March 2018
HI, Font, 2 Colours
Unplaced in 'Out of Compo' at 'The 128b Font Compo'
Broadway font [124 bytes]
Broadway font [124 bytes]
30th March 2018
HI, Font, 2 Colours
#10 in 'C64 256b Intro' at 'The 128b Font Compo'