#4 'C64 Graphics' at Forever 2019: 8-Bit Aliens
#3 'C64 Graphics' at Forever 2017: Mad Max - The 8-bit Road
#3 'C64 Graphics' at Forever 2016 - Defender of the 8 Bits
#3 'Graphics' at Zoo 2015
#3 'C64 Graphics' at Forever 2017: Mad Max - The 8-bit Road
#3 'C64 Graphics' at Forever 2016 - Defender of the 8 Bits
#3 'Graphics' at Zoo 2015

Release: 16th March 2019
Tag(s): HI
15 colours
#4 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2019: 8-Bit Aliens'
Release: 16th March 2019
Tag(s): HI
15 colours
#4 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2019: 8-Bit Aliens'

Release: 18th March 2017
Tag(s): HI
16 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2017: Mad Max - The 8-bit Road'
Release: 18th March 2017
Tag(s): HI
16 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2017: Mad Max - The 8-bit Road'

Release: 20th March 2016
Tag(s): MC
16 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2016 - Defender of the 8 Bits'
Release: 20th March 2016
Tag(s): MC
16 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2016 - Defender of the 8 Bits'

Voima Laulaa
Release: 14th March 2015
Tag(s): MC
15 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace'
Release: 14th March 2015
Tag(s): MC
15 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace'

Rock't Speed RE
Release: 26th September 2014
Tag(s): MC
16 colours
#7 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'CSDb Science Fiction Graphics Competition'
Release: 26th September 2014
Tag(s): MC
16 colours
#7 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'CSDb Science Fiction Graphics Competition'

Running out of Breath
Release: 15th March 2014
Tag(s): MC
16 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2014 - Olympic Edition'
Release: 15th March 2014
Tag(s): MC
16 colours
#3 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 2014 - Olympic Edition'

Cold Red Scarf
Release: 24th October 2013
Tag(s): PET
11 colours
#26 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013'
Release: 24th October 2013
Tag(s): PET
11 colours
#26 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013'

Mayan God of Fear
Release: 23rd October 2013
Tag(s): PET
15 colours
#58 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013'
Release: 23rd October 2013
Tag(s): PET
15 colours
#58 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013'

Punched Monkey
Release: 22nd October 2013
Tag(s): PET
9 colours
#47 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013'
Release: 22nd October 2013
Tag(s): PET
9 colours
#47 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Plain PETSCII Graphics Competition 2013'

Logo Crest
Release: 17th March 2013
Tag(s): HI, LOGO
5 colours
#2 in 'Mixed' at 'Forever 14 | Elvis Lives!'
Release: 17th March 2013
Tag(s): HI, LOGO
5 colours
#2 in 'Mixed' at 'Forever 14 | Elvis Lives!'

Catch Me If U Can!
Release: 17th March 2013
Tag(s): HI
16 colours
#1 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 14 | Elvis Lives!'
Release: 17th March 2013
Tag(s): HI
16 colours
#1 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Forever 14 | Elvis Lives!'

Crest - Bubbles
Release: 16th March 2013
Tag(s): LOGO, MC
4 colours
#53 in 'C64 Graphics' at '3-Color-Logo Competition 2013'
Release: 16th March 2013
Tag(s): LOGO, MC
4 colours
#53 in 'C64 Graphics' at '3-Color-Logo Competition 2013'
It (Will-O´-The-Wist)
Release: 22nd November 1998
Tag(s): FLI, LACE
#2 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Demobit 1998'
Release: 22nd November 1998
Tag(s): FLI, LACE
#2 in 'C64 Graphics' at 'Demobit 1998'